Arkadia - Hotel • SPA
Hotel Hotel SPA Arkadia offers well equipped rooms.
Conveniences: Shower, WC, case, table, chair.
Room area: 13,8 m2.
Price is 60EUR
Price included
* Car parking * Children playroom
Room equipped: Shower, WC, case, table, chair, balcony.
Room area: 13,8 m2.
Price is 70EUR
Price included
* Car parking * Children playroom
Conveniences: Shower, WC, case, table, chair, accessories of hygiene.
Room area: 18,0 м2.
Room price is 80EUR
Price included
* Car parking * Children playroom
The Family room includes two rooms meant for 5 persons with a possibility to accomodate an additional bed.
Room area: 24,40 м2
Price : 125EUR
Price included
* Car parking * Children playroom
The Suite includes one large room equipped with big double bed, WC, double bath, case, table, armchair, accessories of hygiene.
Room area: 38,00 м2
Price 100EUR
Enjoy Your staying,
Hotel SPA Arkadia